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I have to admit, even after shooting for several years I still have a tendency of rushing to make a photo, especially when I'm shooting people. Slow down Frank, I tell myself.

I now try to remember that I only get one chance to make the photo because once I get the image to my computer that photo moment is gone and some things are not easily corrected. Fortunately, leveling is one of them. But if I force myself to stop:

  • level my camera,
  • double check my exposure,
  • make sure my subjects are in focus
  • look for distractions and adjust accordingly

then I'll get much better photos. So if you're a photographer remember to start by leveling your camera. If you're the model, remember to be patient; there's a lot of mental checks your photographer is going through before making your picture.

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Shoot 'em with a Canon!

If you are going to shoot anyone today, Shoot 'em with a Canon! or a camera of your choice.

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